HTML, CSS, PHP, E-Commerce , Online Shopping Carts , LogIn System, Photoshop, SEO


Personal Information

Name : Sandeep Banga
Age : 36
E-mail 1:
E-mail 2:

Languages Speaking

English, Punjabi, Hindi and Urdu


Computer Science :(UNIVERSITY : Staffordshire [UK])

Still Learning about Advanced TECH.


July 2010-2024 ((Web Designing and Development)) 1997-2006 ((Knowledge Gathered About Mechanical Engineering))


Website Design & Search Engine Optimization, Photoshop, HTML, CSS, PHP, Java Script, Hardware Solutions, Software Solutions, Online Solutions, Web Assignments, Create Animations, E-Commerce, Online Marketing , Online Shopping Carts,  Working with All Web Plugins, SQL phpmyadmin Database, Create Manual Search Engine, Secure Login System, Setup for Google Adward (Pay Per Click), Google Shopping BY Google Merchant Center, Web Crawling, J Queries, etc.

PHP, Java Script and HTML Services

Generate Search Features from SQL Database, Update Features for stored data in SQL, Upload data in SQL, Live Online Counter, Unique Page Views,  PHP file (.jpg, .png, .pdf, .mp3, .mp4, etc) Upload Feature, Full text search feature, Generate webpage referance, Find Location about webpage viewer, Date and Time view about webpage visited, Custom Login & Registeration  System for Website’s Backend Dashboard, Generate Search Query Counter, Autosuggestion or Autocomplete for search option, Cursor on Hover image and button effects, Custom Pagination, Visible Search query in Title of the page and in the searchbox, Generate Photo Gallery with Caption, Search Features in Punjabi and Hindi Language, Auto add Latest Activity on Webpage, Time (Duration) Counter for Audio Video files, Create Thumbnails while video file uploading, without FFMPEG install on server , PHP Crawler and inserting data in MySQL, IP Blocking with PHP, Like and Dislike PHP Script, Comment system with reply PHP Script, Time Ago PHP Script, Custom Post notification PHP Script, Video Preview on Hover.

Design Services

Create website sketches, Discussion with clients, Layout html pages use HTML, PHP, CSS, Photoshop, Graphic design – Banners, Brochures, Posters, Billboards, Ads, Logos, Design style for election campaign, Display Shop menu on Big Screen (Display offline or online [Both]).

Audio Video Files Editing

Able to perform video editing (standard captions and transitions, special effects) Video output to DVD or optimized for the web.


  • Web design and Development, Search Engine Optimization,
  • Majoring in: Drawing, Painting, Artistic Composition.
  • Want to Know About : What, Why, When, How…..”Are they doing?”

Other Computer Skills

Software installation and updating Windows, OS Maintenance, Hardware Upgrades and installations:
– RAM , Power supplies – CD/DVD Drives , Video, Sound & Multimedia cards
– Printers & scanners , UPSs , All External Drives, Networking Services (Included wi-fi router setup)